Concerned that a leave your feet = ejection rule would breed more bad calls.

Arming refs with criteria (see crease dives/violations) isnt always best imo.

Id rather my player get 3 min nr & thrown out for a “late/excessive force /targeting head/cheap shot” deemed hit, than for leaving feet to check which kinda eliminates the context part.

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Lots of physics and semantics at play here…but look @ crease violations

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Dont like leaving your feet as criteria for 3min + ejection. Better off with refs determining “excessive” contact.

Defenders leave feet for (desperation) body and stick checks.

You are moving towards nba rules. Us oldtimers will check out.

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Leaving your feet to bodycheck is a pretty clear definition of excessive and - I would argue - reckless. Of course they jump for checks (which fundamentally, no one should do anyway regardless of era) and to block shots - I'm saying when they leave their feet for a hit that excessive in every single circumstance. It is the easiest way to identify excessive force in a bodycheck. I don't want to get rid of body checks, I want to get rid of spears and hits on defenseless players. But I also knew people would argue against it with this justification, which, I find absurd. I would rather lose the old guard than turn away new players who don't want to get decapitated by defensemen who only play lacrosse to hack at people.

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Kyle, completely don’t understand your comment , “Why are you hitting like that on JV?” That comment makes zero sense since: 1) the kid is emulating players on varsity, 2) the kid wants to stand out any & every way he can if he’s a “tough lacrosse player” and 3) everyone at the JV level wants the ‘stud’ title, whether it’s hitting, stick handling, shooting, etc. that JV kid is trying to find his niche. Unless he’s coached differently or his varsity teammates suggest something different, keep pounding kid! Practice on ‘refinement’ but let your opponents fear you as long as you’re ’keeping it between the lines’…… your task is to draw the lines correctly, Coach! Good luck & stay passionate!

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The real issue, as I saw it, is that the player was actually playing on the Varsity team for the whole game as a swinger. So that was the source of my general ire in that situation. So for me, that boundary was not drawn clearly enough by the other coach, which is why I reacted the way I reacted.

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Completely different perspective, understandable reaction to which I totally agree! 👍🏼

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agree 100% with what you've said and proposed - keep the contact but control it a bit more. This coming from a Dad whose young attackman just finished D2 lax (sad emoji) and plays Senior Box in Canada.

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